VIDEO: Introduction to the Project Pempa'q Tidal Energy Project
PLAT-I is a floating in-stream tidal energy technology by Sustainable Marine Energy (SME).
PLAT-I designed for easy, low cost assembly in remote locations. Installation takes less than half a day once mooring have been installed.
Technicans can access the platform in all states of tide using small vessels. Small, localy available vessels can install and recover the platform when required.
Once moved to Nova Scotia (Canada) PLAT-I was reassambled in under four weeks. Installed in Grand Passage using a small self propelled barge and two lobster boats.
Servicing and swap out of critical components at site proven, even in winter conditions. Cameras used for environmental monitoring; no adverse impact to marine animals recorded to date.
Amasing energy resource with 14m rise and fall of the tide twice a day. Grid connection and underwater power export cables already in place.