The project will deliver 920 MW of clean energy, which significantly contribute ...
N-O-G operates over 60 CTVs in the global offshore wind industry.
With the longest coastlines in the world, Canada is well positioned to partake i...
Morgan and Mona are located in the Irish Sea approximately 22-37 kilometres from...
For RWE’s 1.1 gigawatt Thor offshore wind farm, 36 out of 72 of the reusable cov...
Swedish renewables developer OX2 AB has submitted a complete environmental impac...
Van Oord’s heavy lift installation vessel Svanen has successfully installed the ...
The contracts have been awarded to EEW Special Pipe Constructions (SPC), CS WIND...
Baltica 2, which will be located approx. 40 km off the Polish coast near Ustka, ...
The Taean Wind Power project, a fixed-bottom offshore wind project with a planne...
RES has joined one of the most promising initiatives to advance sustainable solu...
Van Oord has been contracted by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) to inst...
The wind farm is a joint project between Vattenfall and Metsähallitus.
Report suggests investing in strategies and innovations to process the remaining...
France is ramping up its offshore wind energy expansion. President Macron has an...
Equinor’s Empire Wind 1 project in the US has now secured a project financing pa...